Jean Véronis

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lundi, avril 28, 2008

Tool: Who's creating today's buzz?

I have already mentioned the admiration I have for Wikio's linguistic technology, which I find to be one of the most well-developed amongst the many tools, search engines and portals currently available on the web. One very interesting function is the automatic detection of "named entities", those being names of people, places and companies. You might have already noticed that the engine displays, in the summary of each news story, a selection of different links to the various entities that it has recognised, allowing one to launch further, related searches with a single click. An inveterate tinkerer, I had a little fun with this and aggregated a few statistics to give you the daily buzz:

Interesting, no? Do bookmark this page; it's automatically updated every hour according to the latest news.

And if you are interested in other languages, drop by this page, where you will find the daily buzz for the news in German, French, Spanish and Italian. You will be surprised at just how much tastes vary from country to country!

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